Pebble Announces New Watch

02/24/2015 14:51

As hinted by Pebble last week, they have today announced a new watch. This new watch is called the Pebble Time, and features a colored e-paper display, a new timeline interface, microphone for calls, and color options.

Instead of going with the traditional interface found on the basic Pebble and Pebble Steel, this one has an all-new interface. You can scroll through your timeline and see what notifications you’ve got last.

The watch isn’t currently available for purchase. Rather, it’s available for funding on Kickstarter and has raised over $5 million and collected over 26,000 backers. Right now you can pledge $179 to get one in your color of choice by May. Right now we don’t have any word from Pebble on how much it will retail for.




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